A research project on how citizens produce scientific knowledge
How did lay citizens become involved in the production of scientific knowledge? Where does this movement fit in the broader history of public participation in science? How did the rise of the “amateur” redefine expertise in a democratic society? And who are these “citizen scientists” today? These are some of the questions we will address in this five years interdisciplinary research project on the transformations of public participation in science.
A writing group for graduate students in the humanities and social sciences from Geneva and Lausanne
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Encouraging Inclusive Swiss Healthcare
LGBTQIA+ realities as lived expertise in the production of health and wellbeing policies Dana Mahr, Patricia A. Solomon, Urs Vanessa Sager, Mirjam Werlen, Noemi Grütter, and Martin Vieweger Acknowledgments: We developed the core ideas for this exploratory blog entry...

Experiential Knowledge, Public Participation, and the Challenge to the Authority of Science in the 1970s

Four things Twitter tells us about “Citizen Science” (and 1,000 things it doesn’t)
Figure 1: Followers/following links within Twitter accounts associated with the terms “citizen science.s” or “citsci” (October 2016). Nodes sized according to their number of “citizen science” followers (followers within the dataset). Scientometric studies of citizen...