Recent Presentations and Publications
- Strasser, Bruno J, Jérôme Baudry, Dana Mahr, Gabriela Sanchez, and Elise Tancoigne, “‘Citizen Science’? Rethinking Science and Public Participation.” Science and Technology Studies, (2018, online, forthcoming) (DOWNLOAD)
- Mahr, Dana, Claudia Göbel, Alan Irwin & Katrin Vohland (2018) “Watching or Being Watched. Enhancing Productive discussion between the Citizen Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities”, in: Susanne Heckler et al. (eds.): Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, London: UCL Press, ch 7, (2018). (DOWNLOAD)
- Strasser, Bruno, and Muki Haklay. Citizen Science: Expertise, Democracy, and Public Participation, Report to the Swiss Science Council. Bern, Switzerland (2018). (DOWNLOAD)
- Bruno J. Strasser, ECSA2018 Keynote, Geneva June 4th, 2018.
Published work
Strasser, Bruno J. “The Shapes of Dissent: Protest, Masculinities, and Nuclear Expertise.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8, no. 1 (May 30, 2022): 105–27. Download
Moore, Kelly, and Bruno Strasser. “Science & Dissent: Alternative Temporalities, Geographies, Epistemologies.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8, no. 1 (May 30, 2022): 53–71. Download
Schlich, Thomas, and Bruno J. Strasser. “Making the Medical Mask: Surgery, Bacteriology, and the Control of Infection (1870s–1920s).” Medical History 66, no. 2 (April 2022): 116–34. Download
Strasser, Bruno J, Jérôme Baudry, Dana Mahr, Gabriela Sanchez, and Elise Tancoigne. “Des « sciences Participatives » ? Repenser Les Sciences et La Participation Publique.” In La Mise En Scène Des Sciences et Des Techniques, edited by Andrée Bergeron and Charlotte Bigg, 2022.
Baudry, Jérôme, Élise Tancoigne, and Bruno J Strasser. “Turning Crowds into Communities: The Collectives of Online Citizen Science.” Social Studies of Science 52, no. 3 (2022): 399–424. Download
Mahr, Dana. Democracy and Citizen Science. History & Philosophy of Science 1. Berlin: deGruyter, 2022.
Mahr, Dana, and Marylaure Bloch. “Digital Risk Distribution and COVID-19. How Contact Tracing Is Promoted as a Solution to Equilibrate Public Health and Economic Prosperity during Pandemics.” Digital Health 9, no. 1 (2022).
Strasser, Bruno J, and Kelly Moore, eds. Science and Dissent, 2022.
Mahr, Dana. “Hormonal Wars: A Brief Regulatory History of Puberty Blockers.” Science for the People (Online), December 22, 2021.
Tancoigne, Elise. “Producing Knowledge in the Alps. Collaborative Research in Dairy Microbiology, 1960–Present.” Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine, no. 109–2 (October 28, 2021). Download
Tancoigne, Elise. “Produire du savoir en contexte alpin. Recherches collaboratives en microbiologie laitière, 1960-aujourd’hui.” Journal of Alpine Research | Revue de géographie alpine, no. 109–2 (October 28, 2021). Download
Mahr, Dana, and Bruno J. Strasser. “Citizen Science and Biomedical Research.” The Lancet. Child & Adolescent Health 5, no. 10 (October 2021): 682–83. Download
Tancoigne, Élise. “Régimes de sélection microbienne.” Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances 15, no. 3 (September 1, 2021). Download
Mahr, Dana. The Knowledge of Experience: Exploring Epistemic Diversity in Digital Health, Participatory Medicine, and Environmental Research. Singapour: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. Download
Tancoigne, Élise. “Towards a Science History of Jordan’s Dairy Industries. The Example of Jameed.” Les Carnets de l’Ifpo. La Recherche En Train de Se Faire à l’Institut Français Du Proche-Orient (Carnet de Recherche Sur Hypotheses.Org) (blog), 2021.
Mahr, Dana, and Sascha Dickel. “Rethinking Intellectual Property Rights and Commons-Based Peer Production in Times of Crisis: The Case of COVID-19 and 3D Printed Medical Devices.” Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 15, no. 9 (September 1, 2020): 711–17. Download
Strasser, Bruno J., and Thomas Schlich. “A History of the Medical Mask and the Rise of Throwaway Culture.” The Lancet 396, no. 10243 (July 4, 2020): 19–20. Download
Mahr, Dana, and Martina von Arx. De-Sequencing: Identity Work with Genes. Health, Technology, and Society. London : New York: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2020. Download
Tancoigne, Élise, Jean-Philippe Corbellini, Gaëlle Deletraz, Laure Gayraud, Sandrine Ollinger, and Daniel Valéro. “La Transcription Automatique : Un Rêve Enfin Accessible ? : Analyse et Comparaison d’outils Pour Les SHS. Nouvelle Méthodologie et Résultats.” Rapport de recherche. MATE-SHS, 2020.
Tancoigne, Élise, and Marianne Noël. “Performing Expertise in Times of Pandemics. Strengthening the Expert-Lay Divide. A Comparison between Sweden and Jordan.” Harvard STS&CRISIS Series (blog), 2020.
Tancoigne, Élise. “Jordan’s Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Cambridge Core Blog (blog), 2020.
Christensen, Malene Vinther, Mika Nieminen, Marlene Altenhofer, Elise Tancoigne, Niels Mejlgaard, Erich Griessler, and Adolf Filacek. “What’s in a Name? Perceptions and Promotion of Responsible Research and Innovation Practices across Europe.” Science and Public Policy 47, no. 3 (2020): 360–70. Download
Macq, Hadrien, Elise Tancoigne, and Bruno J. Strasser. “From Deliberation to Production. Public Participation in Science and Technology Policies of the European Commission (1998-2019).” Minerva 58, no. 4 (2020): 489–512. Download
Mahr, Dana. “Lived Genome Phenomenology.” In De-Sequencing. Identity-Work with Genes, 173–85. Health, Technology, and Society, 2020.
Mahr, Dana. “The Cultural Construction of the ‘Bizzare’. Disentangling Sinophobic Language in Media and Science During the COVID-19 Epidemic.” #WitnessingCorona (blog), 2020. the-bizzare/.
Mahr, Dana. “The Equilibrium of Control I: Pandemic Exit-Strategies in Historical Perspective.” Viral. Les Multiples Vies Du COVID-19 (blog), 2020.
Mahr, Dana. “The Equilibrium of Control II: Will Smartphones Help Us to Overcome the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic?” Viral. Les Multiples Vies Du COVID-19 (blog), 2020.
Tancoigne, Élise, and Jérôme Baudry. “Stars in their eyes? Making sense of public involvement in the citizen science project SETI@home.” Réseaux n° 214-215, no. 2 (June 17, 2019): 109–40. Download
Tancoigne, Élise, and Jérôme Baudry. “La tête dans les étoiles ? Faire sens de l’engagement dans le projet de science participative SETI@home.” Réseaux 214–215, no. 2 (June 17, 2019): 109–40. Download
Tancoigne, Elise. “La Flore Du Fromage Dans Tous Ses États.” EXPERT:ISE (blog), February 20, 2019.
Mahr, Dana, and Sascha Dickel. “Citizen Science beyond Invited Participation: Nineteenth Century Amateur Naturalists, Epistemic Autonomy, and Big Data Approaches Avant La Lettre.” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41, no. 4 (2019): 41. Download
Mahr, Dana, Eva Mahr, and Christoph Rehmann-Sutter. “Subjektivierungsfiguren Genetischer Information.” Sozialer Sinn 20, no. 1 (2019): 1–39.
Mahr, Dana, Eva Mahr, and Martina von Arx. “Entgrenzte Forschung. Soziologische Und Wissenshistorische Argumente Für Eine Multiperspektivische Und Kontextsensitive Regulierung von Neuen Risiken in Der Humanforschung.” Federal Ministry of Public Health, Switzerland, 2019.
Mahr, Dana, Patricia A. Solomon, Urs Vanessa Sager, Mirjam Werlen, Noemi Grütter, and Martin Vieweger. “LGBTQIA+ Realities as Lived Expertise in the Production of Health and Wellbeing Policies.” Rethinking Science and Public Participation (blog), 2019.
Tancoigne, Elise. “Invisible Brokers: ‘Citizen Science’ on Twitter.” JCOM 18, no. 6 (2019): A05.
Strasser, Bruno J, Jérôme Baudry, Dana Mahr, Gabriela Sanchez, and Elise Tancoigne. “‘Citizen Science’? Rethinking Science and Public Participation.” Science and Technology Studies 32, no. 2 (2019): 52–76. Download
Strasser, Bruno J. Collecting Experiments: Making Big Data Biology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2019.
Tancoigne, Elise. “Quoi de Neuf Dans Le Vaste Monde Du Bénévolat Scientifique ?” Theconversation.Com (blog), juillet 2018.
Mahr, Dana, Claudia Göbel, Alan Irwin, and Katrin Vohland. “Watching or Being Watched. Enhancing Productive Discussion between the Citizen Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities.” In Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, edited by Susanne Hecker, Muki Haklay, Anne Bowser, Zen Makuch, Johannes Vogel, and Aletta Bonn, 99–109. UCL Press, 2018. Download
Strasser, Bruno, and Muki Haklay. Citizen Science: Expertise, Democracy, and Public Participation. Bern, Switzerland: Swiss Science and Innovation Council, 2018. Download
Tancoigne, Elise. “Four Things Twitter Tells Us about ‘Citizen Science’ (and 1,000 Things It Doesn’t).” Citizensciences.Net (blog), January 26, 2017.
Strasser, Bruno J., and Paul N. Edwards. “Big Data Is the Answer… But What Is the Question?” Osiris 32, no. 1 (2017): 328–45. Download
Mahr, Dana. “Mikrobiomische Selbstwirksamkeit.” In Personal Health Science, edited by Nils Heyen, Anne Brüninghaus, and Sascha Dickel, 43–66. Munich: Springer, 2017. Download
Mahr, Dana. “Narrating Genes: How Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Interpret an Emerging Disease Aetiology and How We Can Make Sense Out of It by Developing a Historically and Sociologically Informed Framework.” In A History of Human Genetics, 325–36. Springer, 2017.
Mahr, Dana. “Self-Reporting and Participatory Health Platforms: Empowerment through Sharing Information about Oneself Online?” Harvard Bill of Health’s Symposium on Critical Studies Citizen Science in Biomedical Research. (blog), 2017.
Strasser, Bruno J. “The ‘Data Deluge’: Turning Private Data into Public Archives.” In Science in the Archives: Pasts, Presents, Futures, edited by Lorraine Daston, 185–202. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. Download
Mahr, Dana, and Livia Prüll. “Körperliche Selbstermächtigung Aus Dem 3D-Drucker? Feministische Kulturen Als ›Parallelwelten‹ Und Der Kampf Um Gesellschaftliche Teilhabe Seit 1970.” In Kybernetik, Kapitalismus, Revolutionen. Emanzipatorische Perspektiven Im Technologischen Wandel, 161–90. Münster: Unrast, 2017. Download
Strasser, Bruno J., and Dana Mahr. “Experiential Knowledge, Public Participation, and the Challenge to the Authority of Science in the 1970s.” Harvard Bill of Health’s Symposium on Critical Studies Citizen Science in Biomedical Research. (blog), 2017.
Tancoigne, Elise. “Mapping the Literature.” Citizensciences.Net (blog), February 3, 2016.
Strasser, Bruno J., and Paul Edwards. “Open Access: Publishing, Commerce, and the Scientific Ethos.” Bern: Swiss Science and Innovation Council, 2016. Download