by Dana Mahr | Apr 1, 2019
LGBTQIA+ realities as lived expertise in the production of health and wellbeing policies Dana Mahr, Patricia A. Solomon, Urs Vanessa Sager, Mirjam Werlen, Noemi Grütter, and Martin Vieweger Acknowledgments: We developed the core ideas for this exploratory blog entry...
by Dana Mahr | Jan 3, 2017 |
Some thoughts about the sociological and historical background of the recent participatory turn in science and society Responsible science, public science and citizen science are iridescent concepts. Media and advocates of these concepts link them with positive ideals...
by Dana Mahr | Feb 1, 2016 |
Does science only flourish in democratic societies? How can the relationship between science and democracy be characterized from a historical, sociological or epistemological perspective? And last but not least: What about democracy in science? All these questions are...
by Dana Mahr | Feb 1, 2016 |
It is often said that the citizen sciences shift the boundaries between professionals, experts, amateurs and lay people. To understand, confirm or contradict this statement, we must know what it means to be a “professional”, “expert”,...
by Dana Mahr | Feb 1, 2016 |
A basic bibliography of twelve monographs and edited volumes which constitute essential readings for anyone interested in understanding the the transformations of public participation in science. Collaborate to this bibliography 424601 7BVBSEZR items 1 author asc...
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